It is deeply disappointing to read the flow of misinformation from the BMA that is passed on by BMA News regarding organ removal. The latest example comes from an article entitled “Off The Record. Northern Ireland” (BMA News December 14th 2013).
The misinformation includes:
– directly linking the Organ Donor Register with organ availability and ignoring other variables;
– extrapolating public support in Northern Ireland based on a survey involving small numbers of respondents and lacking key details notably confidence intervals, and data on non-respondents;
– claiming family support is at the heart of a soft opt-out system. It is manifestly not part of the flawed legislation in Wales where a high level of evidence has to be provided by the family to protect their dying relative from organs being removed and there is no mention of family support.
It appears to be the same patronising conduct by the BMA in Northern Ireland as we experience in Wales. They produce a policy that is inimical to patients’ rights and then they select weak evidence to support that policy and ignore ethics and evidence against the policy.
BMA News should have higher publishing standards.